Cake & Asian People
Michaela (with just about an entire piece of cake in her mouth)
Also, Gabriel in the background being a goof
Afterwards, I took these sugar-hyped kids (who hardly ever eat sugar) to the park. That was interesting. Though, after getting used to taking eleven to the park, these five could have been hooked up to maple syrup IVs all night and taking only them would still seem like a piece of cake. [Hah! Get it? :]
Almost all of the playground equipment is broken, short of a couple of swings and a few see-saws. I heard a rumor that it's going to be rebuilt, though I've come to realize that only about half or so of the rumors I hear here are true. I have high hopes though--today there was a man with a big fancy video camera taking footage of the ruins. [Not hyperbole...that really is the exact word I would use to describe what's left of this park.]
Tutui & Michaela on the "slide"
I was trying to take more pictures of them when my camera ran out of space. I never clear my memory card. So I was shuffling through pictures, figuring out what I already had on my computer at home. The kids like to be over my shoulder every time I'm doing anything, and this time was no exception. Now, Argentina is full of hispanic people and white people. They don't have a whole lot of diversity going on, at least not in this town. I've been here for three weeks and have seen a total of 2 Asian people and 1 black person. And I get out a lot more than these kids. So, as I was scrolling through, they saw a picture of Jonathan and me. They thought of the only Asian person they could think of and... now they are all convinced that I am dating Jackie Chan. There is no talking them out of it. Jon will have to practice his stuntwork or they'll be super disappointed if they ever meet him.
Jackie & Me :]
At September 26, 2008 at 3:54 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey, Grandma and Grandpa finally get to be the first ones to comment. Nihao from Shanghai. Just think we are really a whole world apart right now.
Glad things are going well. Remember that we love you very much and are really proud of you.
At September 26, 2008 at 3:58 PM ,
Sarah Kay said...
Wow, you must have read that the SECOND I posted it. Pretty crazy that I'm in Argentina and you're in China and we're still somehow in sync...
At September 26, 2008 at 5:01 PM ,
Jonathan said...
"Star of my post" huh? Har har. How did I know there was going to be a twist? Hm... always is with you, darling.
Miss you tons.
At September 27, 2008 at 10:40 PM ,
Michael Beck said...
What the freak? Jackie Chan STOLE MY SHIRT
At September 28, 2008 at 9:30 AM ,
Sarah Kay said...
His is Rome; yours is Barcelona. They're COMPLETELY different! :]
You want to talk about someone stealing your shirts talk to Davey
At September 28, 2008 at 12:12 PM ,
Unknown said...
Still loving the blog. Loved the added attraction of the sibling interaction in the comments. :) I believe that David stole some of Mike's shirts and they are now passed down to cousins and so BECK is wearing your shirt now Mike. :)
I can't believe the kids slide. :( But love their smiles eating the cake. :) Big hugs.
--Aunt Mel
At September 28, 2008 at 7:41 PM ,
proud dad said...
They would close that playground here in the U.S. or someone would get hurt and then the parents would sue the city. Actually even if the playground were in perfect condition they would sue the city if their kid got hurt!!! Hope all is well Sarah. Keep up the good work. xoxo
At September 30, 2008 at 6:18 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Ola Sarah... hable con mi hermana Milagros que vive en Buenos Aires y me asegura que hay mucha pobreza en Posadas por eso es aun mas bendicion para todos ellos que tu los estes sad about the playground; how did the Asian boy get over there-pretty unsual, isn't it?
At September 30, 2008 at 12:26 PM ,
Sarah Kay said...
Hah..Si, seria muy extrano si estuviera en Argentina. Pero el no esta aca...saque la foto en los Estados Unidos.
Ella tiene razon... hay mucha pobreza. Cada dia veo mas. Por eso solo quiero comprar cosas para todos todo el tiempo :]
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