Pasta alla Tía
What do you think: Cutest kids in the whole entire world? Yeah, me too.
I know I know, I've been slacking. It's just with so much going on and all of the drama lately I've been unsure of exactly what to write about. Veronica went to Arco Iris last night and talked to Alicia. The three boys are definitely not coming back, which I am extremely saddened by; they were like three little brothers to me. My Spanish is suffering for it too--they were the ones I talked with the most and were so intent on teaching me new words and phrases. Veronica is going to try and see if we can locate them so we can swing by and at least say goodbye, if not more.
The house feels so empty as there are only six kids now. (Carolina is gone as well; I guess she went to a place where there are more girls her age.) Whoever told me that the five siblings are going back to their mom was wrong. Michaela is getting adopted by one couple, and Tutui and Milagros are getting adopted together by another lucky lucky couple whom I'm extremely jealous of and want to meet so I can matter-of-factly announce to them that "Sorry you can't have these kids because I'm taking them home with me forever and ever." But I suppose since that isn't exactly possible, it's good that they'll have parents. Nicole is getting adopted by a woman who has been taking her on weekends. I don't know when all of this is happening. I will be here for another month, and I doubt any of the adoptions will be completed by then. Apparently it's a really long process. I guess Fabian and Gabriel will stay there at the house--it seems there aren't quite so many couples looking to adopt older boys.
I made lunch finally for the kids on Saturday. I at first wasn't sure about my pasta choice. They get a lot of pasta, among other foods that are cheap and packaged in bulk. I decided though, that what I was going to make would be a far cry from their cheap spaghetti covered in tomato puree, so they probably wouldn't even relate the two, and I was right. They said it was delicious, and started chanting "Mañana también! Mañana también!" [Tomorrow too!] I said that that probably wouldn't happen, but I would try to cook for them again sometime. I brought Chipás and grapes too, both special treats. They never get to eat those things, as their much inferior cousins known as bread and apples are so much cheaper. They were so excited when there was extra of everything, exclaiming "We get to eat this for DINNER too!"
My most well-spent time in a kitchen ever, that's for sure.
At September 22, 2008 at 7:02 PM ,
proud dad said...
They are cute kids but I know three that rank slightly higher -- if I can call 16, 19, and 21 year old kids "cute". I love the pictures of them eating. You can tell they are savoring every bite. I hope you get to see the older three again soon.
dad xoxo
At September 22, 2008 at 7:04 PM ,
The Mom said...
I don't see a sour face in the bunch. They must have all enjoyed your pasta very much. I'm glad you can help them through this time while they wait to be adopted. You're the best! love you xoxo
At September 22, 2008 at 9:24 PM ,
Jonathan said...
What are you cooking? It's our pasta recipe, isn't it? Prosciutto alfredo pasta?
For those who are wondering, yes, the rumors are true -- the recipe was truly discovered at the heart of El Dorado in 3000 B.C. Nick and I discovered it, unchanged, in a crypt in southern Jordan while on an unrelated quest for The Grail.
Sarah has since perfected [and tweaked] this recipe, and I'm sure she would not begrudge you for it.
At September 23, 2008 at 6:29 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Having enjoyed your delectable pasta dishes, Grandpa and I can vouch for the fact that it is VERY DELICIOUS. In fact I think we both said "More, more" but not in Spanish!
We are SO VERY PROUD OF YOU for the wonderful service you are rendering. These children will never forget you, and we GUARANTEE YOU WILL NEVER FORGET THEM!
Love you! Grandma and Grandpa Beck xoxo
At September 23, 2008 at 6:59 AM ,
Unknown said...
So how do I get this famous pasta recipe? :) I'm glad most of the kids are getting adopted. It breaks my heart to think of children without someone in their life to love them. Take care Sarah! Love you!
At September 23, 2008 at 12:58 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Que rica se ve la pasta...le pusiste nuez moscada a la salsa de alfredo? When you get back your are going to have to make us some for all of us at the office. Hasta cuanto te quedas alla para seguir mandandote mas para los regalitos?
At September 23, 2008 at 2:42 PM ,
Sarah Kay said...
Si, en la salsa solo hay crema, queso, manteca, pimiento negro, y nuez moscada. Es muy facil prepararla, pero tan rico! Quizas un dia cocinare para Uds.
Voy a estar aca por tres semanas mas :]
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