Yo soy mono
(Click on the pictures to see them big)
Solamon and I sitting on a bench that's missing about
half of its pieces. Zacharia in the background.
Ezequiel hanging off the playground
equipment. I always tell him that he
scares me, and he insists that I shouldn't
because "Yo soy mono" (I am a monkey).
I suppose it's true enough...
Michaela is in the background, with a ball
in her shirt thinking no one can see it to
take it from here if she keeps it there.
Yesterday the lights weren't working for a time,
so we were all outside on the patio. Some more tired
than others...This is Zacharia and Milagros. He's picking
something out of her hair; I'm not sure what.
Slowly I've been able to piece together more information about the kids. When I listed the five who have a drug-addict mother, I was wrong about one. Those siblings are actually Fabiano, Gabriel, Michaela, Tutui, and Milagros. She came to visit them yesterday evening. The younger ones kept calling her "Tia" and she was getting all flustered, telling them to call her "Mami". You can't really blame them though. At 1 and 3 years old, they can't be too sure about what's going on in life at all. I'm not sure she even has the right to correct them, but I suppose that's not my call to make. I just think they deserve better. Milagros has actually taken to calling me "Tia" about half of the time and "Mami" the other half. I remind her "No, no soy Mami," but I don't think she intends to do it anymore than she intends to call her mother "Tia".
Then Zacharia, Ezequiel, and Solamon are all brothers from the same father. I didn't understand for sure whether they have the same mother or not. Anyway, the father lives somewhere nearby, but has abandoned the kids because he is with a new woman now who doesn't want them. They go visit him on Sundays. I'm not sure what you say to a father who has abandoned you for a new family, but I guess they deal with it.
That leaves only Nicole, the other baby girl. As far as I understand, she doesn't have parents around (though again, this is all coming at me quickly in Spanish so I can't be 100% sure about my details). She is gone on weekends. A lady comes and gets her, who I don't think is her mother, but maybe a relative or someone who is looking into adopting her, I'm not really sure. Maybe SHE's the one who is getting adopted, but I could have sworn it was Michaela. I don't know, we'll see I guess.
At September 14, 2008 at 1:14 PM ,
proud dad said...
It's no surprise they call you "mami" since you are more of a mom than any of these kids have. The pictures are really cute. I especially like the one of Milagros asleep on Zacharia's lap, even if he is picking something out of her hair. It's nice to see more pics of you too! xoxo
At September 14, 2008 at 1:18 PM ,
The Mom said...
Thanks for the photos and videos! I hope you are having a good day.
At September 14, 2008 at 1:28 PM ,
Jonathan said...
I can never be the first one to comment anymore, huh? Guess I'll have to stand by my computer religiously.
Which reminds me, it's Sunday so I'll be at church until... 7:30 p.m. or so. Hopefully get writing done before that, but I'll be nearby before and after if you want to chat.
Miss you, darling.
At September 14, 2008 at 2:07 PM ,
proud dad said...
Sarah, I researched sending a box there. It is impossible. There are so many hoops to jump through and the cost would be prohibitive. I would like to try and send some simple English books though (cheap in case they don't make it) since it sounds like "printed matter" CAN be sent. Anything in particular?
At September 14, 2008 at 2:32 PM ,
Sarah Kay said...
Nothing in particular, other than what I've already said. Basically books as simple as they come.
At September 14, 2008 at 5:35 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey, one of my favorite songs now is "Por-do-sol" by Brazilian band Cellar 55. But it's disconcerting because the printed lyrics look semi-Spanish
È a tarde que diz
Tenho sede de sombra
É a lua que diz
Tenho sede de estrelas
È tarde que diz
Tenho sede de sombra
and the Portuguese pronunciation is whack. For example, the Ds are all Js.
È a tarJe que Jiz
Tenho seJe Je sombra.
I gave up reading and just listen now. Portuguese is too hard.
At September 14, 2008 at 5:42 PM ,
Sarah Kay said...
Yeah, the ds are often like "j" and the ts are often like "ch". Brenno's dad used to pronounce my dad's name "Scotch".
A harder language than Spanish for sure, but I think it's one of the most beautiful in the world...
I'll have to listen to that song.
At September 14, 2008 at 6:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
At September 14, 2008 at 7:34 PM ,
Unknown said...
You are a doll and I love reading everything. Your blog is a regular dinner conversation in our house. We love seeing the pictures too. My kids are learning a bit of spanish also. :) Who in the heck is "favorite uncle". Kevin hasn't even started commenting yet. :) xoxoxox
At September 14, 2008 at 7:47 PM ,
Grandma Beck said...
We told people at church about your blog and several have emailed that they watched it and loved it. THANK YOU for bringing happiness to so many people...in both North AND South America.
We love you...
Gr and Gr Beck xoxo
At September 14, 2008 at 8:20 PM ,
Unknown said...
Haha, I love the first picture of you on the bench!! You look like a Mami, or maybe a really close Tia!
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